Preparation of hot-dip galvanizing before powder coatingHot dip galvanizing treatment

We offer a technology to get rid of so-called white corrosion from galvanised and exposed components.

ProblemCorrosion of hot-dip galvanised components

Many factories, in the process of powder coating hot-dip galvanised components, face the problem of poor surface quality. This is due to improper storage - usually galvanised parts lie 'under a cloud' and naturally oxidise. As a result, hot-dip galvanised components usually arrive for painting in a terrible condition - heavily oxidised, with a thick layer of white corrosion. A typical example is fence posts, manufactured from galvanised profiles.

In such situations, it is necessary to mechanically remove the white corrosion using oscillating grinders, brushes, etc., which generates additional costs. Skipping this step usually results in a terrible surface quality after painting, unevenness and gassing.

Standard chemicals are ineffective for thick oxide layers, which they are unable to etch. As a result, defects in the material become apparent after varnishing.
Preparation of hot-dip galvanizing before powder coating
Kairo PF AR - Przygotowanie ocynku ogniowego przed malowaniem proszkowym

SolutionDedicated solution for large through lines

A minimum of 3 zones (optimally 4 zones) is required. The process then consists of 3 or 4 stages:

1. Degreasing with etching of white corrosion
2. rinsing
3. application of the conversion coating
4. rinsing

In the case of 3-zone lines, immediate drying after the application of the conversion coating is possible (dry-in-place).

- The etching is very effective - removing virtually all white corrosion residues.

- The conversion coating provides high corrosion protection and powder coating adhesion.

- Parts are smooth after painting, without any signs of surface irregularities or gassing. Smooth profile seams - no paint flakes.

- Elimination of manual profile grinding.
Why Kairos?

If you are looking to save money on surface preparation processes prior to powder coating, we have proven solutions for your process.


A systemic approach

At Kairos, we have developed a detailed process for implementing our solutions. It consists of 6 main steps.

  1. Understanding the needs and defining the scope of the project.
  2. Presentation of a technical proposal supported by laboratory tests if necessary.
  3. Carrying out technology trials at the Partner.
  4. Joint validation of sample results.
  5. Decision to put the product into regular production.
  6. Service and support during operation.

Every paint shop is a new environment and a new challenge for us, which we approach with ambition and openness, and we ask a lot of questions during the process of implementing Kairos chemistry. We do this just to understand the situation and challenges of the paint shop in question. This allows us to propose a solution that works and generates savings.

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Permanent customers in Poland

And this number is growing all the time

Years of experience

In chemical processes for paint shops.

Specialised laboratory

We analyse chemical processes at multiple levels.

Tonnes of annual production

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Customers about usReferences

There is no better indicator to describe technology than customer satisfaction. Over the years, we have helped many of them achieve success by streamlining the surface preparation process for painting. See what others have achieved by opting out of metal phosphating.
Only Kairos!
I have been using the chemistry for the preparation of aluminium and black steel for many months, the quality of the products is still as good. Express shipping, zero problems, technical support for free, at my fingertips, a matter of making a phone call. More companies like this.

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Savings in the paint shop

I would like to share and recommend Kairos Chemistry. A very effective means of preparing surfaces before painting . It really works at a low temperature compared to other agents of this type. And with proper maintenance the chemistry lasts a long time.

Google Opinion

Contact Kairos

What can we do for you?

We are experts in reducing the costs of preparing metal surfaces for painting. We reduce energy costs and simplify the preparation process. Without compromising on quality.


Do you have questions?

    Surface preparation for painting
    Kairos sp. z o.o.
    1 Kałuży Street; Cracow

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